Student Government President Devin Schwartz (left) and Vice President Debopreeta Bhattacharya (right)
Student Government President Devin Schwartz and Vice President Debopreeta Bhattacharya

Our Mission

The mission of the Student Government is to ensure that UT Dallas is fully committed to serving the collective interests of the student body. In this capacity, we serve as the official student voice to UT Dallas administration, the UT System Board of Regents, and other governmental entities.

The Student Government seeks to enhance spirit, protect University traditions, and support all students and student organizations in their academic and community-directed endeavors.

Our Structure

The Student Senate is a diverse body of senators from each academic classification and school. With the exception of officers, each senator sits on a standing committee. Each senator is either elected or appointed to a one year term on the Student Senate. The President and Vice President are elected by the student body. The Secretary, and committee chairs are nominated and selected by the Student Senate.

More information on Senate Committees


  • Constitution
    • The establishing document where the overall structure of Student Government is defined.
    • Amendments must be publicized and voted on by the student body.
  • Bylaws
    • The internal operating rules which defines the rights and responsibilities of groups and individuals within Student Government.
    • Any amendments require a 2/3 majority vote of the Senate.
  • Standing Rules
    • Rules describing the procedures of Student Government.
    • These can be amended by a majority vote of the Senate
  • Election Codes
    • Rules and procedures regarding elections
    • Amendments require a simple majority when previous notice is provided, and a 2/3 majority otherwise. No amendments may be made while an election is underway.
UT Dallas Student Government

Information on Meetings

Student Government Green Initiative

Green Initiative Student
Sustainability Guide

UTD Budget Breakdown

2024-2025 OFFICERS

Devin Schwartz
SG President
SU 2.414

Debopreeta Bhattacharya
SG Vice President
SU 2.412