Attorney Services
Schedule an Appointment
Attorney services are free of charge and are available to currently enrolled students. This initiative is funded by student service fees and sponsored by Student Government.
To schedule an appointment, please email
General Attorney
Wednesdays, 2-5 p.m.
The general attorney is available to provide quality legal advice and consultation to all currently enrolled students. The attorney also prepares and presents programs and publications concerning students’ legal rights and responsibilities.
View the current General Attorney Schedule (Word)
The general attorney acts in an advisory and intermediary role only. Areas commonly discussed with the attorney include:
- Landlord-tenant disputes
- Family Law
- Divorces
- Contractual controversies
- Consumer protection questions
- Traffic accidents
- Minor criminal matters
Legal services do not include:
- Criminal/civil litigation
- Representation of a student in any legal or administrative proceedings involving UT Dallas or on-campus housing
- Advice on matters of conflict between UT Dallas students
Immigration Attorney
Thursdays, 2-5 p.m.
The immigration attorney will discuss any aspect of U.S. Immigration and Nationality Law and will act in an advisory role only.
Legal services do not include representation before any federal agency or court. Advice will be related solely to the student’s rights and responsibilities under the Immigration and Nationality Act and related statutes. While the immigration attorney will provide advice to students, he will not act as legal counsel.
View the current Immigration Attorney Schedule (Word)
No release of information is possible without the written consent of the student, except when required by law. The Students’ Immigration Attorney agrees to keep all information not otherwise open to the public under the Texas Open Records Act confidential and will not use any such information to the detriment of UT Dallas, its officers, employees or students.