Green Initiative
As defined by a Student Government resolution, the Green Initiative is aimed at improving campus sustainability. This includes items like infrastructure and efficiency projects, recycling and waste water reduction efforts and expanding mass transit availability. Interested in submitting an idea?
Green Initiative Chair: Sneha Sharma
Make UTD Green: Project Submission
Have an idea about how UTD can be more sustainable? Student Government wants to hear from you! Each year, Student Government dedicates funding to implement student projects related to sustainability. Multiple projects may be selected depending on funding. If your project is chosen, you will be invited to work with SG on its implementation. Interested in submitting an idea? Fill out the submission form below! Information you will need for your submission:
- Project Title
- Brief Description of Project
- How would your project benefit UT Dallas?
- Estimated Funding Required (Maximum $1000 per project)
- Relevant attachments *
*Attachments may include but are not limited to:
- A link to a similar project at another University
- A cost analysis of the project
- A longer description of the project
- A letter from a UT Dallas staff or faculty member voicing support for the project
- Results of a relevant student survey

Green Initiative Student
Sustainability Guide (pdf)
This guide was produced with the goal of increasing campus-wide knowledge of sustainable practices.
Sustainability at UT Dallas
The University of Texas at Dallas is dedicated to integrating sustainability into everything we do, including working to ensure a sustainable, rewarding campus environment. As the University grows, UT Dallas places a strong priority on sustainability as we aim to graduate well-rounded citizens whose education has prepared them for rewarding and productive careers in a constantly changing world. To learn more about UTD’s operational stewardship see the Office of Sustainability website.
Eco Reps
Eco Reps are student leaders that implement sustainability programs at UT Dallas. Their mission is to make life at UT Dallas more sustainable by helping students make simple, daily decisions to be eco-friendlier, one choice at a time. The program launched in 2017. Learn more about the Eco Reps.