Senate Meetings
2/25/2025 UPDATE: Today’s committee meetings will be held online due to the campus closure. Please contact Debopreeta Bhattacharya at if you would like a Teams link to a specific committee’s meeting.
Student Government meets every Tuesday at 5:30 PM in the Student Union’s Galaxy Rooms during the Spring and Fall semesters. Meetings alternate between general Senate Meetings and Committee Meetings.
May I speak as a visitor during a Student Government meeting?
Yes, visitors are welcome to attend a Student Government meeting. You can speak during the Public Comment section of a meeting.
To preregister for public comment, please contact the President, Vice President, and Secretary with the date of the meeting you would like to be recognized at along with a brief description of what you will be speaking about. If you do not preregister, you may still go to a meeting, but you are not guaranteed to be able to speak.
What happens during a Student Government meeting?
The structure of the meeting is as follows:
Call to Order – The meeting is started by the chair.
Attendance – Attendance of senators is recorded.
Approval of the Minutes – Senators are given the opportunity to correct the previous general meeting’s minutes before approval.
Approval of the Agenda – Senators are given the opportunity to amend the agenda before approval.
Announcements – Invited visitors and ex-officio members are invited to provide any announcements and reports.
Officer and Committee Reports – Each officer and committee chair delivers a report concerning any accomplishments and continuing work.
Public Comment: Visitors are invited to speak and ask questions directly to the Senate, with a time limit of three minutes for each speaker.
Unfinished Business – Any items tabled or not reached during the previous meeting are addressed
New Business – Senators make motions that the Student Senate votes on. The motions can be items ranging from resolutions to budget allocations. Senators may also bring up any new items they would like the senate to discuss.
Adjournment – The meeting is called to an end by the chair.